"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
I believe this quote contains a lot of truth and power within it. I can honestly say that many people have hurt me and the only thing I remember about them is the way I felt when I was around them. I don’t necessary remember why they made me feel that way it just happened, and even to this day that is the only thing that replays in my head about them. The words that cut me down, the words that brought pain. All the nights I cried, because I was informed that I was worthless and God did not have a plan for my life, those are the people I remember the most.
On the other hand, there have been a handful of people that have done the complete opposite. They showed my love, joy, and happiness. Feelings that I never wanted to let go of, but reality is life is not always going to be that way. Those people that showed me love, joy, and happiness have been taken away from me. They served there purpose in my life and then moved on. God took them away when I believed I needed the most, but I believe God did that to show me that I do not need man to survive. In some of my worst moments I had nobody, but it showed me that I only need Him. Truth is I don’t need anyone. Actually, I deserve nobody, yet God has blessed me beyond what I could ever imagined. He has placed people in my life that showed me pain, but also has shown me grace. The people that have impacted my life in a positive or negative way all have stepped into my life, then left. I have learned in the process that I cannot depend on man, because everyone will fall short, but my God wont.
There are a few people that come to mind when I first saw this quote, but in the scheme of things it won’t matter how I was treated by others, but rather how I treated others. What will really matters is what I did to impact someone’s life for Christ. I can either take that criticism from someone and hate them for it, or I can take it to change me for the better. Change myself to be more like Christ.
As Christians, we should, be asking Him for love, wisdom, grace, knowledge and understanding. Instead of reacting on our feelings and emotions, we should be reacting on what God says is true. Feelings and emotions are temporary, but God is NOT!