Thursday, January 2, 2014

My verdict is...

     I can see it now, standing in line waiting your turn. In awe with everything and everyone around you. When all of the sudden you hear a voice say, “Next.” You had just died today and are standing before God “Why should I let you into Heaven?” He asked. What would your response be?

     Some people would say, “It is by my good deeds I should be let into the Kingdom.” In the Bible it clearly states in Isaiah, “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags...” Others might says, “Well, I was a good person or at least good enough to get into heaven” but that’s not how it works. Our “good enough” is not God’s standard of good enough, so in other words, we will never be able to truly measure up to Him. God does not judge us on how we, as humans, compare ourselves to other people, but rather He judges our sins. Another common reason may be, “I’m doing my best with the situation You have handed to me, so I believe You will let me into the Kingdom.” Just wondering, if you tried harder would that still erase your sins? Others may say. “I prayed to You that one time, don’t you remember?” Or God, “What about that one time I actually went to church and paid attention?” Many excuses, but God is only searching for one correct answer. “For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:14

      My response to this simple, but yet complicated question would be, “God, on Earth you did bring me a long way. You knew I was going to be rejected from the start, but you also knew the flip side of this and that I was going to be adopted. What do you expect? You are Omnipresent! You knew about the trials and tribulations I would have to conquer, before I could even begin imagining them. You put certain people in my life to show me how to love, and others that showed me what it means to be loved. I know my mistakes were many, but I tried my best to cope with what you gave me. I had many regrets and sins, yet through it all you were able to bring me hope, joy, and happiness. Most importantly, you made a way for eternal life for me.

     You are the ultimate Judge and you know what I have been through in the past. In the good and bad, I have asked for your guidance and wisdom. When I was selfish or prideful you taught me how to be humble. When I was short tempered you showed me patience. When I was jealous you gave me a sense of contentment. And when nothing went the way I wanted it to go, you showed me there was more to focus on in life than that one thing. God, you, have taught me to love the unlovable, and forgive the unforgivable. I have also learned your timing is the only timing that matters. You are the only one in control. My prayers may go unanswered, but I know you have a reason for it. I have been through struggles, but you have always been on the other side of it. I have learned you are the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. You have been the best friend I never had and that I could always turn to. You kept me going day after day, because I knew I was eventually going to see you. God, you, made my life worth living.

      You may ask why I think you should let me into heaven and I simply have to say I have a love for you that I can’t describe, it’s beyond words. I thirst to know you better and a want and have a desire to learn more about you. In your Word, it says that you do not make mistakes and you do not break promises. You said there is a way out of the eternal death, pain, misery, and suffering, but it was only by confessing with out mouth Jesus is Lord and believing in out hearts that you raised Him from the dead, then we will be saved. You also said whoever believes in Him will have eternal life, and I believe in your Son. I trust that you will keep your word, even though I am a sinner that has only been saved by the grace and mercy that you gave me. I know do not deserve to be in Heaven with you, but you have made it possible so I could live with you forever. Do you except me?”

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